First I looked at Direct Line...
...a pretty reasonable £31.38 a month.
(due to me already using these and receiving discount)
I think this could easily be included in our budget as it will increase our client relationship.
I then tried
woah... too much!
All these companies charge far too much in comparison to what we have previously been quoted from Direct Line.
I also took a look at City Club Cars, as this was a company Bridget had mentioned to us in our lectures...
The idea of this is very innovative and very economical.
I then saw they had a scheme for businesses so took a further look into this...
At first I thought the prices of this seemed pretty expensive in comparison to the £33/month I was quoted for car insurance on my own car. Taking into consideration that you would be saving £125 on tax a year, £40 MOT a year and expenses for fuel and maintenance. Using this scheme would be beneficial as it would enable us to ensure we have the client contact we wish for as well as remaining economical and keeping costs to a minimum.
and that you can pretty much just pay to use the car as and when you need it.